Software Download


This is a Zip file containing DEMO version of 3.0.8 software with User manual. Demo version runs for 15 days before registration is required. (185MB)


Zip file containing Version 1.1.4 Software installer and User Manual. Demo version runs for 15 days before registration is required. (60MB)

ProRF Universal Receiver Drivers (Universal Windows Driver)

For use on computers running Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. (2MB, last updated December 2024). Other drivers are available, contact us if they are needed.

ProRF Software Connection Library

Released June 2022. Can be customized to suit various applications.

WedgeLink Software

WedgeLink software wedge is available in 2 versions: Lite and Standard. The difference is the Lite edition does not support data parsing. Demo version runs for 10 days before registration is required.

About our licensed software products:

Most of our software requires a license to operate beyond the demo period. This license is tied to the computer which it is originally installed onto.  Licenses can only be provided for currently supported software versions. (Older versions of software cannot be re-licensed if a computer is damaged or replaced.)  Licenses are meant for per-device use only; when warranty of the gage expires, so does warranty for the software.  Upgrades from older versions are FREE during first year of product ownership. Thereafter, product support and upgrades will require a new license purchase (even if a version upgrade is not performed).